Prelude: Tenth Youth Orchestra; Judy Harvey, director

Allegro Assai (in the Style of Vivaldi) Myanna Harvey

Call Jehovah Thy Salvation J. Montgomery/R. Prichard/arr. Myanna Harvey

I Know that my Redeemer Lives American Folk Hymn/arr. Myanna Harvey

Call to Worship


Hymn 266: Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain St. Kevin

Prayer of Confession

Our Father, we praise You for the perfect righteousness of Christ, the only hope for sinners like us. Forgive us for not wanting to be more like him, for being content to remain as we are. Save us from being lukewarm or indifferent to Your will. Take away our complacency and fill us with the fruit of Your Holy Spirit. Keep us from judgmental attitudes and grant that we would be lovers of mercy, kindness, goodness, and truth, we pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Gospel’s Assurance of Pardon: Romans 8:33–34

Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.

Doxology 733 Lasst Uns Erfreuen

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; alleluia, alleluia!
Praise him above, ye heav’nly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading: Mark 13 (pew Bible p. 849)

Hymn 270: Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing! Gelobt Sei Gott

Confession of Faith: Westminster Shorter Catechism, question 58

Question: What is required in the fourth commandment?
Answer: The fourth commandment requires the keeping holy to God such set times as He has appointed in His Word; expressly one whole day in seven, to be a holy Sabbath to Himself.

Offering Prayer

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Offertory: Chorale Prelude on Gelobt Sei Gott Healey Willan

Sermon: Things to Come Dr. Liam Goligher

Hymn 282: Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voices Now Waltham


Postlude: Paraphrase on Thine Be the Glory Alexandre Guilmant

Serving this evening:
Platform: Chris Andino, Andrew Fletcher
Organists: Colin Howland

Scripture quotations are from the ESV®Bible, copyright©2001 by Crossway. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Hymn lyrics used by permission: CCLI# 2486853