Prelude: The Joy of the Redeemed Clarence Dickinson

Call to Worship


Hymn 179: Hallelujah! Thine the Glory Thine The Glory

Prayer of Confession

O God our Father, forgive us for thinking less of you than we ought; for we think your truth too high, your will too hard, and your power too remote; but they are not! We humbly ask that you resolve our confused minds with your word, redirect our divided wills with your law, restore our troubled consciences with your forgiveness, and revive our anxious hearts with your presence, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us. Amen.

The Gospel’s Assurance of Pardon: Acts 10:43

To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.

Doxology 732 Tallis' Canon

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heav’nly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading: Psalm 90:1–17 (pew Bible p. 496)

Hymn 371: O Lord of Hosts, How Lovely Llangloffan

Confession of Faith: Westminster Shorter Catechism, question 83

Question: Are all transgressions of the law equally heinous?
Answer: Some sins in themselves, and by reason of several aggravations, are more heinous in the sight of God than others.

Offering Prayer

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Offertory: Be Thou Near Me Johann Sebastian Bach

Sermon: A Life Well-Lived Rev. Tim Geiger

Hymn 30: Our God, Our Help in Ages Past St. Anne


Postlude: Noel Entranger Louis Claude D'Aquin

Serving this evening:

Platform: Paul Duggan, Collin Gibboney
Organist: Rev. Colin Howland